6mm crew members

One significant obstacle I found to exploring 6mm gaming was that because it’s a scale primarily focused on vehicles and massed numbers of troops on either side there isn’t much individuality to each mini. When you’re painting hundreds of little figures, picking out little unique elements will only slow down the production line.

But I was looking to use 6mm for skirmish gaming with unique characters, at least on one side, and without a 3D printer was limited to what was availabla in bulk: lots of near-identical squaddies. And so my smallest-scale ambitions lay dormant. (I am aware of people gaming with 2mm minis, but I can’t see that working for skirmish gaming. Yet.)

Then I came across these sci fi characters from CP Models, and suddenly I could have nearly thirty individual crew members for 5 Parsecs From Home games.

Took a bit longer than the production line-friendly troopers to paint, and the detail on these is a bit shallower; the post-undercoat drybrush didn’t make help show what everything was meant to be, so things like facial features had to be daubed on, and highlights became more impressionist.

Having finished painting them, I can see the reason for the rule of 6mm thumbs of painting everything much brighter and with more contrast – the colours at this scale can easily start merging into each other, with nothing on the figure standing out. It has been suggested that perhaps the basing is too dark, so for the next batch of minis I’ll try a lighter hue and see if that helps make them ‘pop’ a little more. We’re still at a stage where it won’t be too onerous to repaint the already-done bases. I’d rather avoid using any static grass or flock since that would make them stand out a bit too much on indoor terrain boards, but it’s an option if needed.

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